A Blessing for My Fellow Grievers

May you always tell the truth, if only to yourself.

May you refuse to betray your broken and beating heart, no matter what the world tells you.

May you be a friend to yourself, holding your own hand, being your own steady presence and giving yourself every bit of grace.

May you let others be a friend to you, holding your hand, being your steady presence and giving you every bit of grace.

May you let your grief spread out far and wide, covering every surface, blanketing everything. And when that becomes too much, may you carefully wrap up your grief and tuck it away, letting it wait, letting it rest and letting yourself breathe.

May you let yourself be in despair, be a bad friend, be a total mess, be a ticking time bomb about to explode. May you know this means that you’re bearing something unbearable, not that something is wrong with you.

May you listen to your own heart, remembering that no one knows how to walk this path but you. May you know that you can trust yourself to do the next right thing, to take the next right step, and to know when the best thing to do is to surrender.

When glimmers of joy or peace become visible, may you tenderly invite them in, even when it feels all wrong.

May the love you shared with your beloved be felt and known in the space beyond words, beyond boundaries, beyond bodies, beyond time. May you visit that place, marinating in that love, as long and as often as you need to.

When you feel alone, may you remember that we are here, walking alongside you. We, the brokenhearted, are here - your companions on this road none of us ever wanted to travel. May we gently carry each other.

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